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How is born trend?

Hello everyone, everything good? For those who already accompanies us weekly here on the blog knows how important trends are in the fashion world and how much they influence our day. But, have you ever stopped to think, how is a trend born? Where does it come from to have this power over our daily lives? Stay here with us today that we will tell you everything from the beginning!

We already know that the trends and the world of fashion has been turning faster and faster, but what many people sometimes do not know is where so much information comes from and why all this causes so much influence in our daily lives.

But let's start from the beginning, what is a trend? Tendency is nothing but the results of several factors together as cultural, economic, social, technological are factors that tell us where the world is taking, trend is exactly that, where we are walking, what is our next step.

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Many mediums and even some fashion professionals dare to say that there are no more fashion, all because everything is moving faster and faster and becoming much more difficult to follow. For once a brand that made two collections a year, today we must do up to two or three times more.

Many media, fashion professionals, have started to say that there are no more trends, that you are very fast and ephemeral because the supply of options today is much greater than years ago.



But then you ask yourself, who sees these movements and does this research? The major responsible for doing such research are large research institutes around the world made up of professionals from various fields such as anthropologist, psychologists, sociologists, area specifics who study human behavior in their environment that can help in some way to help understand their relationship with the consumer market.

Research is done in several segments to determine a trend, and among them gastronomy, art, music, cinema, beauty and everything that may involve the sectors of the consumer industry.




After these institutions do their researching role comes the moment when CoolHunters come into action. CoolHunters are known as trend hunters, so we can better understand they are professionals who go to the streets with all this research to confirm the Tendencies.


CoolHunter need to be extremely detail-sensitive professionals and be very creative as they hunt down trends where people usually do not attach much importance to day-to-day living, they need to be very attentive to diversities that have the potential to become fashionable trends .


By the time coolhunters confirm the trends they are released and from that select group of people who served as research for the institutions the trends that have been confirmed end up being massed and falling to the popular.

And we can say that a new trend is born, and from that moment a new cycle begins where the brands begin the researches of the brands for elaboration and planning of the collections, and automatically a new cycle begins in the research institutions in partnership with the coolhunters always up for the upcoming trends, so it is often said that trends fly!


E aí, gostou de saber mais um pouquinho sobre como nascem as tendências e como elas nos influenciam 24hs do nosso dia? Se quiser saber mais sobre o mundo da moda nos acompanhe semanalmente aqui e no blog e diariamente em nossas redes sociais onde estamos sempre postando dicas.

E se você gostou das dicas e quer saber mais em como aplicá-la nas suas coleções, entre em contato com a nossa equipe que está 24hs antenada com as últimas tendências do mundo da moda e com ideias incríveis te esperando e uma delas pode ser a sua próxima coleção com estampas exclusivas.

Nos encontramos aqui na #quartafashion com mais novidades, é só ficar ligado pra não perder nada. E estamos te esperando também para conhecer nosso catálogo de estampas exclusivas com novidades semanais para você e montar sua coleção e arrasar!

Até a próxima #quartafashion :*




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